The HDMI connection also means I get the best possible high-def picture out of the Apple TV, which is actually really good, I now discover. I’ve also been able to get rid of a multi-plug. In fact, the HDMI socket means I’ve been able to get rid of not only a SCART-sharer but also an RGB converter that enabled my Apple TV to work with SCART. That’s enough for my DVD, Sky box and Apple TV.
#Eyetv 3.0 2 Pc
It has six input sockets – two SCARTs, two HDMIs, one PC and one component. On the whole, after a week of use, I’m quite impressed with it. Thirdly, the adverts have claymation bunnies in them.

Everyone else appears to have been going for 40“, but we wanted something smaller than before and less power hungry, so 26” works out well. They don’t deliver, so that saves them from WEEE – the gits – but it does make it all a bit cheaper. Secondly, Sainsbury’s have been selling 26” Sony Bravias for £349. Mathematicians call it an affine transformation, Mac users call it the ”Dock Genie“ effect – everyone else, particularly in SE London, just calls it ”f*cked“. Firstly, my clapped out 28“ Matsui CRT widescreen TV that I bought in 1999 was starting to do an odd thing to the picture. the number of not-so-nice people who have left old TVs and giant cardboard boxes marked “Sony Bravia” lining most of the pavements in the neighbourhood.

the number of nice people down at the recycling centre bringing in old TVs and giant cardboard boxes marked “Sony Bravia”.I haven’t updated to Sky+ because while I’m just about okay with paying £99 for a new box, I draw the line at paying £60 to have some bloke turn up with it and plug it into an aerial socket.Īnyway, I, in common with a sizeable percentage of SE London, judging by As it happens, I’ve updated two things: my TV and Bastard, my PVR. The New Year brings with it many things, and technology updates – once the Christmas bills have been paid off – is one of them.