You can Tribute Summon " Victory Dragon" with them and fulfill its Win Condition (" Arrivalrivals" can allow you to do it during the Battle Phase, after you have inflicted enough damage with them). Dragon Advent is a gap closer that deals decent damage and a.
In a " Dragon Ruler"/"Lightsworn" Deck, this card's first effect can be used to clear the field, allowing you to Special Summon the "Dragon Rulers" with their effects safely. Judgment applies a debuff to the boss called Amplified Damage." Painful Choice" can be used to fulfill this card's Summoning requirement.Later into the game, this unlocks the Sentence: Movran.
This card can be searched by " Eclipse Wyvern". You need to pick one out of the three: Death - no additional favor of your companions, no advantage, Exile - no additional favor of your companions, no advantage, Exile and a weapon- you gain favor of all the allies and a new agent. " Phantom of Chaos" can be used to mimic this card's effect without needing " Lightsworn" monsters in the Graveyard for it to be Summoned. This card can be searched by " Lightsworn Judgment", " Chaos Space", " Starliege Seyfert", " Minerva, Lightsworn Maiden", " Draconnection", " Blue-Eyes Abyss Dragon", " Krystal Dragon", " Chaos Zone" and " Tempest, Dragon Ruler of Storms".